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Do's and Don'ts to Protect Your Car from Cyclones

Team AckoDriveDec 6, 2023

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In the unpredictable realm of nature, a cyclone stands as one of the most powerful disasters, leaving behind a trail of destruction in its way. Such tropical storms have an impact not only on your safety but also on your other belongings, like your car. Hence, it is crucial to safeguard your valuable assets amidst chaos.

At the onset of ongoing Cyclone Michaung, causing havoc in major parts of South India, we have brought a comprehensive guide for you on what to do with your car during a cyclone. Read this article to get a clear picture of the do’s and don'ts during cyclones as a car owner to keep your car safe from wreckage and avoid spending your fortune to repair damages.

Do's and Don'ts to Protect Your Car from Cyclones

Do’s for Car Owners During Cyclone

Here is a list of things to do as a car owner during a cyclone to keep your vehicle safe and wreckage-free.

1. Park Your Car in a Safe Spot

One of the main safety measures to implement during a cyclone is parking your car in a safe and strategic spot. If you have indoor parking options available, go for it. Look for elevated areas to park in and stay away from flood-prone zones. While parking your car outdoors, avoid areas with street signs, trees or objects that may topple over. Park close to a wall or building to get some wind protection.

2. Keep the Vehicle Tied to a Structure

During a cyclonic storm, since the wind speed is very high, it can move your vehicle from its place and, in severe cases, even topple the car. To prevent such scenarios, use a chain or rope and tie your vehicle to any concrete structure for car protection during the cyclone. 

3. Create an Emergency Kit

Make an emergency kit for your vehicle. Include essentials such as a first-aid kit, torch, extra batteries, nonperishable food, bottled water, a blanket and necessary medications. This pack is essential when you are deserted or need basic supplies in your car during or after a disastrous cyclone.

4. Cover Your Car

Using a body cover for your vehicle is always recommended as a precaution during cyclones. Especially if you have to park your car outdoors, ensure you use a high-quality car cover or trap for protection. During a storm, flying debris can cause serious damage to the car and leave scratch or dent marks. A good quality and heavy car body cover will ensure protection from such situations.

5. Keep a Full Tank of Fuel

Keep the fuel tank of your car full during threats of cyclones. A full tank ensures you have enough fuel to utilise it for sudden evacuation or to run the engine during power outages. Moreover, it will help prevent moisture from condensing inside the tank during floods or heavy rainfall, keeping your car in running condition after everything is over.

6. Disconnect Your Car’s Battery 

Disconnect your car's battery before the cyclone hits the ground. Moreover, if you anticipate the car will not be used for a long period during or after the cyclone, disconnection of batteries is crucial. It prevents drainage and any probable electrical issues in the car, especially if a flood hits.

7. Document Your Vehicle

Are you thinking about what to do during a cyclone with your car? Apart from the protection steps, make sure to document your entire vehicle before the onset of the heavy storm. Take detailed photographs and videos of your car from different angles. It is crucial while dealing with insurance claims in the aftermath of any damage caused during a storm.

Don'ts for Car Owners During Cyclone

Avoiding certain actions is just as crucial as taking proactive measures when it comes to precautions during cyclones to protect your car. Following is a list of don'ts that every car owner must keep in mind to ensure the safety of their vehicle during cyclones.

1. Avoid Low Lying Areas

If you want to save your car from flood-related damages during a cyclone, make sure to avoid keeping the vehicle in a low-lying area. Water logging is a common phenomenon during cyclonic storms and heavy rainfall. Keeping your car in a low-lying area during a cyclonic storm will cause water damage that can be extensive and very challenging to repair. So, keeping the car in an elevated place is a crucial precaution during cyclone as a car owner.

2. Do Not Park Near Power Lines or Trees

Avoid parking your car in areas with power lines, trees or billboards. During a cyclone, high winds can cause branches to break, uproot trees, damage power lines, or cause billboards to get uprooted. Parking your car away from such a place will keep you away from potential hazards. Furthermore, it also reduces the risk of grave car damage caused by falling objects or electrical issues.

3. Avoid Driving Through Floodwaters

One of the key answers to your question about what to do during a cyclone and what to avoid during cyclones is to keep your car safe and sound to avoid driving through floodwaters. Never attempt to travel through flooded roads. A tiny amount of water can cause engine damage, electrical problems, and loss of control in your car. Floodwaters can obscure hazards such as debris or exposed manholes, making navigation exceedingly perilous.

4. Do Not Ignore Weather Warnings

As a car owner, it is always vital for you to closely monitor weather forecasts and cyclone warnings. Ignoring such alerts can lead to inadequate car protection during cyclones and increase the risk of damage. Timely response to any alert or weather warnings can help you take early protective measures.

5. Do Not Solely Rely on Hand Brakes

When parking your vehicle during a storm, a tip to keep the vehicle safe during a cyclone is to avoid depending entirely on the handbrake. The handbrake may not offer enough resistance in high winds, potentially causing vehicle damage or displacement. Use additional safety precautions such as wheel chocks or parking in gear.

Proactive Measures for Car Owners During Cyclone

When it comes to analysing what to do during a cyclone, there are some proactive measures available that you must implement to keep your car safe and sound. Below is a list of some additional measures to take for your car during cyclones.

1. Invest in Insurance

A key proactive measure to take care of your car is investing in a comprehensive insurance plan specifically tailored for your vehicle. Standard car insurance policies do not generally cover engine damages. So, get a separate add-on to get comprehensive coverage in case of a huge loss due to damages. 

2. Secure All Important Documents

When you think about things to do during a cyclone as a car owner, you may have to come across a situation where you must evacuate the place. Securing necessary vehicle paperwork such as registration papers, insurance policies, and identification is critical in such cases. Put these documents in a waterproof bag in your emergency pack so you can find them whenever you need them.

3. Regularly Maintain Your Car

Regular maintenance of your car is a proactive measure to increase the car’s resilience during adverse weather. If you are thinking about what to do during a cyclone or how to maintain it before the cyclone hits, closely check all the essential components of your car, like tyres, fluid levels, brakes and lights. Ensuring your vehicle's optimal condition will minimise the risk of mechanical failure during a cyclone.

Road to Recovery for Car Owners

Even with the best preparations, cyclones can leave a trail of destruction in their wake. Once the storm has passed, car owners should follow a systematic approach to assess and address any damage. 

Now that you have some tips to keep vehicles safe during cyclones, the following is a list of actions to take after the storm passes.

1. Safety Assessment

Prioritise safety before beginning any recovery attempts. Ascertain that the immediate surroundings are safe and clear of risks, such as fallen power lines, debris, or unstable structures. This evaluation is critical for both personal safety and enabling vehicle evaluation.

2. Address Car Issues Promptly

Car protection during a cyclone does not mean you do not have to check it after the cyclone is over. Assess the car yourself or seek help from professionals to assess the damages and address those issues promptly. Timely repairs prevent further damage to your car and ensure its roadworthiness soon.

3. Contact Your Insurance Provider

When you think about the do's and don'ts during and after a cyclone as a car owner, contacting your insurance provider can pop into your mind. Notify your insurance company about the cyclone damage ASAP. Give them the complete paperwork and any additional information they request. Rapid communication speeds up the claims procedure.


Safeguarding your vehicle during a cyclone is difficult and requires preventive measures, careful preparation, and decisive action. As a car owner, when you think about what to do during a cyclone, you may considerably boost your chances of safeguarding your vehicles by following this guide on the do’s and don'ts for your car. 

Remember that preparedness and resilience are essential for surviving the storm and escaping with your automobile undamaged. Stay alert, stay prepared, and navigate the challenges of cyclones confidently.

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